Taoist sex
An excerpt from discussions
D.A.(Dmitry Artemyev): This subject is deep and extensive ... I'll try to outline briefly the overall structure. Among the three main ways of immortality, one is precisely the way to get to Heaven by using the paired cultivation. It is called 人 元.
This method is known now in China to only a few remaining teachers and to get it almost impossible. It has clearly developed in stages and the results of each stage. In that he and she achieve results, and, even faster than in the case of a single improvement (it is a spiritual work, not the popular fantasy, which is so exaggerated in books of Western pseudo teachers that introduced some techniques even for sexual minorities). A special technique of flow control in a woman's body is used in this method, which allows you to progress quickly (I will not here describe the feelings arising in this case, in order not to change the topic). It is the highest way, but the very few possess it.
The second is what is called 房 中 之 术. This trend has developed largely for the needs of wealthy people to keep energy for the concubines. In its connection with Daoism, it only has the one aspect , namely it has used its methodological framework and terminology. It can very easily become unhealthy if you do not know how and what.
Banal abstinence - or by lack of opportunities, either from the inclination. It does not recover the energy and there is only a temporary relief... Moreover, even if sex is absent, the jing will still be generated and spent, whether you want it or not. In the book of my Teacher's ancestor (which is included in Daotszan), is written:
"In last years, a lot of people appeared who call themselves monks. They go to the mountains, do not eat meat, do not drink wine and do not sleep with women. They repeat endlessly prayers and consider that they improve. And I tell you that all this is completely useless and does not belong to true spirituality. They are no better than others, doing all this. For the true spirituality is the transformation, rather than external acts. "
Q: Can we learn in detail how to control the physical attraction?
DA: In each of the paths it is done differently. single cultivation, and paired cultivation, the art of inner peace, the common man, etc…
Q: Well, to chop wood or do push-ups it is well, however, but doing so we do not reach control, but only the burning of unnecessary hormones and their conversion into physical energy. But how to achieve that injection of these hormones are controlled by the brain consciously and not at the level of instincts?
DA: It is impossible and unnecessary to control by brain. Development of human sex hormones are the norm for the healthy. Why turn himself in impotent by the brain? So the question is not whether to stop their production, and that to do with it. And the way is the following:
Alchemy - the transformation of physiology in spirituality
Inner chamber technique - the use of hormones for pleasure, reproduction and minimizing expenses
Ordinary person - the use of hormones for fun - reproduction and loss of strength and health
The most interesting is that in alchemy, in contrast to Inner chamber technique one does not need to contain and control, this natural path of plenty ....
Q: I was so interested in the general control of emotions, which means hormones ...
DA: I remember previously, according the Party decision, people attempted to turn back the Siberian rivers (in USSR). If you succeed, I fear for your health to develop big problems... Many sects try to act like that, and acquire only the neuroses and illness "bottom".
Why fight with this marvel - love women, I do not understand completely. Conversely, the more hormones, the better. And for the body and spirit will be enough ...
Q: Dear DA, but how can you explain that such practices are interested in, mostly men? I once read on a tantric forum, where their Guru quotes from scripture, that some sexual practices are used, even (the word!) prostitutes. But it is the "antediluvian" civilization was a "matriarchal" when "the children knew their mothers but did not know their fathers. " It turns out to be a contradiction. I suspect that it's all because of tradition with modern distortion "Tantrikas"and "Taoists" but how it is in reality? After all, potentially, a woman more talented in the sexual energies.
DA: Well first of all, it is the impact of recent times, when I wrote above it afore, it was necessary to communicate with the harem.
When the practices were using prostitutes, they already completely lost the true understanding and began to follow a false doctrine for increase yang by using the yin. It used for that purpose the young girls at the peak of their physiology. All this can give when used properly, health benefits, but no more.
Quote: After all, potentially, a woman more talented in the sexual energies.
Well do not agree. Neither man nor woman surpass each other, they are two parts of the whole. It can only go with specific people. Just today, women often are not satisfied, it is an opinion. Yes,and others personal experience may not share this view.
Q: In men, sexual energy is limited, and for women is inexhaustible as the atom.
DA: Well, I already have said about it, I add only that women are closer to the ground material (not all of course !!!), because when a man has a thought of distant galaxies, the woman directs her in the opposite direction.
Q: There now what we are talking with us about... I never would have thought that the issue of cultural science and knowledge of history and culture come down to sex ...
DA: Sex is the same and no less a part of life as cultural studies, history and culture ... Moreover, they are inseparable from each other. And the fact that in Western culture relate to sex as something shameful thing only leads to numerous problems ...
Q: Partly I agree about the shame of sex itself, and I confess, did not escape the influence of Christian morality, but let's say I'm totally for it specifically, i.e., as a subsidiary occupation for me, in moving it does not help to me absolutely. And about the amount of hormones, so it is require different number of them in different situations. If we take the youth, then remember that when pretty female was passing by our, certain reaction spontaneously occurred. Eventually we reach a certain level where we can partially control this process (not all, there are those who like the process). So it turns out that we men are slaves and hostages of their nature ... In fact, here we are only talking about sex, and in my head I keep thinking about the possibility of control over emotions and functions as a whole ...
This turned out to be a rebuttal ....
DA: With regard to youth, the control was regained later, is not so much gained control, as reduction in capacity of jing. If hypothetically imagine a situation that the old man was injected with a powerful dose of jing, then his eyes will immediately shine, wrinkles will smooth, back will straighten and he will go to local club to a disco in the evening.
Now as for the control of emotions. Although emotions are related to hormones, but it's not the same thing. Hormones belong to jing and "bottom", the emotion of qi and "middle." As well as the hormones, emotions relate to the later heaven (post heaven) and they are a consequence of man’s status. The normal human being can either follow the emotions or try to control them. It is an infinite path. If we are talking about a person who perfects himself, then his emotions are transformed into a powerful device perform necessary action... They have become servants of the spirit...
Q: Is it possible to start with, a schematic outline methods themselves.
DA: Only schematically and may, in order not to overstep ...
And man and woman is a microcosm, which is arranged in a certain way. Typically, chi flows move along the path of destruction. In order to create an immortal body, you need to connect the male and female so that the direction has changed and then the sensations that occur at the same time similar to the inclusion of a nuclear reactor instead of a light glow. The speech disappears it is achieved internally merge and it lasts a long time, unlike the usual peak ... Only once again, it has nothing to do with "control" of Western gurus who at best would lead to prostatitis ... Then, after reaching a certain result, the position and direction of flow are changed.
Q: You somehow evasively say, it is a secret knowledge, or you are ready to discuss only "banal self-control "?
DA: Of course I thought that I said about it:
Quote: "This method is known to only a few remaining Teachers now in China and get it almost impossible."
To be a disciple of the such Teacher, you must do a lot of things, and then pass rite "Baishi", when the disciple vows by blood never to tell outsiders about this methodology. Only understand correctly, I do not pump up this mystery, just as it has always been and will be in China - no serious discipleship is impossible without a corresponding dedication...
Q: Dear DA, well, can you explain it a little bit more? Well, at least hints, omitting the most intimate details ...
DA: Of course, love - very good reason to achieve results quickly. We say about half, you will find, connect, and once the nuclear reactor... Just hard to find, hence there is the difficulty of the way by paired cultivation. According to the tradition, people born earlier were highly spiritual and find (each other) was much easier ... Now it is very difficult, many people don’t have enough soul, but we can’t use the force to get someone to heaven.
Q: What exactly ,Taoist sex (paired cultivation) is different from other one? And why there is no word about feelings? Is sex as a training? Love is not required?
DA: What is the difference? It is the aim - to achieve a joint ascent loving each other, feelings, much more powerful and pervasive throughout the substance instead of local areas, unusual states and emerging powers out of nowhere, an unusual effect of mutual understanding and unity wholly, without ... It is the true Love, which existed in ancient times, true Unity of yang and yin ... On the whole it is a nice way on all sides...
Q: It seems, there are not so rosy in practice as you set out. Otherwise, these methods have long been widespread…Very easy to turn such improvements into a conventional sex.
DA: Previously, they were widely circulated, let’s remember about Huangdi who ascended to heaven with all of his favorite women ... Turn a similar improvement into sex or not -it depends on the soul of man himself.
Q: And the second point, the progress in monopractice depends only on one person, but here requires the interaction of two, each of which has its own view on the ways and methods of improvement. Not to mention the fact that emotional outbursts while appearing will be a large enough interference for the fine adjustment of the two bodies.
DA: We are not talking about random people who have their own idea. There is a Specific way, which leads exactly where it is necessary ...
Emotional outbursts and rush feelings are characteristic of modern humans, who have not experienced true love and have no idea what it is ...
In the Chinese sense - 情 this purity of a heart, cleansing of a heart, the purity of the soul ...
Just few people know what a true fusion of Yin and Yang ....
Q: If it is about the soulmates , then it will be an attempt of bringing the outside…
May be fit "monopractice " (single cultivation), the only question is what exactly?
DA: There is no conflict, ultimately and single cultivation, and paired cultivation, and even external alchemy have the same goal - to connect the soulmates contained in itself. In Chinese they are called SING-MING. Basis everywhere one and the same, but the specific embodiment is different.
Q: The agonizing question has arisen to a good judge of "ways of pleasantness from all sides." The fact is that I had a long and happy honestly was carried away of it discussed pair improvement in my youth, I kept separate ways, knew the clever words ... grasped mystery by science way, managed enthusiastically flows, and the atomic fusion were present ... Enthusiasm, high total radiation level and vast experience of life were kept, but where is the soulmate ...
DA: Once again, that the method, which I wrote, does not have anything to do with ordinary skill inner chambers and the fact that it is not finding the soulmate , and it is the acquisition of its integrity.
Q: I am going to tell the audience for a long time(no offense): practices - it is great, the teachers and their ways - wonderful, intelligent books - good, but .... It has no relation to real life. Eastern Philosophy differs from European in that except the theoretical framework, it is also practical one. However, the description of it is speculative, and spending a life on the implementation of philosophical maxims you can lose this present life. Unlike many contemporary practitioners, old teachers knew when to stop. Recall, Shakyamuni - torturing own body BY austerity and complex practices, keeping paths of other teachers, after a while he realized that all it is vain and does not lead to enlightenment. But his mind was pure enough to come to this himself. And quest for eternal life, recipes, production technology secret meditations and exercises in sexual practices - it is the worldly flair and profanity, which makes hiding the true doctrine. I propose to accept the fact that it is not for all , and do not to sow ignorance of their own semi-literate Exercise.
Once again I apologize to the enthusiasts
DA:... Therefore, I prefer to communicate with Teachers and do not rely only on books, that I can see how they really live, how to solve real problems ...
Q: In the Taoist practices, a women is on the order of magnitude higher than men, because she may take life or give rise to it, but man – only takes ...
DA: On the contrary, in order to begin to practice the highest methods of Taoism woman should be physiologically similar to man.
Q: I guess I do not understand at all. I understand the philosophy of Tao. I saw ceremonies Taoist temples. I communed with women there. But I do not understand the physiological similarity of women to men. I guess it is hard.
DA: It's not about complexity. Just people in Taoist temples are different and most of them never suited to the higher practices.
It is the woman's alchemy. Is considered a leading representative of Sun Buer and some nuns.
I have seen such practices and their body is changing.
Q: Is it about the changing hormone levels? In terms the level of male hormones is risen in the ensuing consequences (I do not mean pathology).
DA: It is primarily the practice of "interruption of red dragon", when bosom drawn back and women’s jing become like men's, going from the bosom into the abdomen.
However there are, in the middle stage of female, advantage over men, but more about that some other time.